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Loading files and ROS packages

There are different ways how OWL and Prolog files can be loaded. For testing purposes, one can load single files. For deployment, one usually wants to set up a ROS package in such a way that all related files are automatically loaded. Both alternatives will be explained below.

Loading OWL files

OWL files need to be parsed to be internally represented as Prolog triples. Parsing is done using the Thea library (version 0.5). The following command can be used to load an OWL file: owl_parse('path/to/file.owl', false, false, true).

Loading Prolog modules

Most functionality in KnowRob is contained in Prolog modules. They can be loaded using the use_module directive. The module needs to be either somewhere in the Prolog 'library' path or be referenced relative to the current working directory: use_module(library('module-name')). use_module('path/to/module-name').

Loading OWL/Prolog files in ROS packages

KnowRob uses rosprolog to interact with the ROS filesystem structure. This facilitates loading complex package structures since dependencies on other ROS packages with KnowRob components are automatically resolved and loaded.

In order to use this functionality, each ROS package containing KnowRob components needs to correctly define its dependencies on other packages (in the manifest.xml) and contain a file 'prolog/'. This file will be called by rosprolog in order to set up the package itself and to initialize all dependencies (again by calling their

Each KnowRob ROS package can be loaded using the following predicate: register_ros_package('pkg-name').

Alternatively, one can launch KnowRob giving the respective package as argument to rosprolog: rosrun rosprolog rosprolog pkg-name

Exporting knowledge into OWL files

At some point, you may want to create OWL files. This can be done with the predicates in the 'owl_export' module in the 'knowrob_common' package:

% Export the perception of an object to an OWL file export_object(knowrob:'Drawer1', 'path/to/object.owl').

% Export the definition of an object class to an OWL file export_object_class(knowrob:'Drawer', 'path/to/objclass.owl').

% Export the map as the set of all perceptions of objects to an OWL file export_map(ias_semantic_map:'SemanticEnvironmentMap0', 'path/to/map.owl').

% Export an action specification (TBOX) to an OWL file export_action(knowrob:'PickingUpAnObject', 'path/to/action.owl').